SINGULAR - CENTRO DE CONTROLE DA DOR was was born in 2009, inspired by the vision of the physicians Dr. Fabrício Dias Assis and Dr. Charles Amaral de Oliveira and their partners.

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In 2010, Singular became a pioneer in Latin America with the achievement of the certification “Excellence in Pain Practice Award”, by World Institute of Pain (WIP). By that time, Singular became one of the 12 Pain Centers in the world with this Award. Up to now, it is the only center in Brazil with this certification.

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In 2011, with the huge educational demand about Pain Medicine, Singular started ofering courses in Interventional Pain Medicine, with Brazilian teachers and from all over the world. This way, a new branch of Singular became a reality: Singular Courses. 

Anually, physicians from all over Brazil and from other countries of Latin America sought the courses promoted in Singular. The major course is called "Singular Theoretical and Practical Course of Interventional Pain Medicine", which goes on along one year, one weekend each month. 

In July, 2012, Singular, with the explorer spirit which is part of its culture, along with SOBRAMID (Brazilian Society of Interventional Pain Physicians), went beyond its bonderies and promoted the 1st Hands-On Cadaver Workshop, in Miami (USA), in the renowned M.A.R.C. Center. 

Also in 2012, through the hard work of the whole team, Singular fulfilled the aspiration of publishing a magazine with interviews, informations and tips about Pain and its treatment. "Vida sem Dor" Magazine is distributed by a partner company in docotor's offices all over Brazil and is also avaiable in digital format.

In 2014, Dr. André Mansano joined the board of directors of Singular. Dr. André was a fellow at Singular for two years and his performance was outstanding. Also in 2014, he was approved at the FIPP exam at Budapest and became one of the few Brazilians with the WIP title of Fellow of Interventional Pain Practice

medicosIn 2016, Singular started the sixth edition of Singular Interventional Pain Practice Course, which atracts each year a greater number of physicians from all over the country. Besides the hundreds of patients which found pain relief e improvements in qualitiy of life, Singular contributes anually with the continuous education of several health professionals, sharing with them all the team's experience and knowledge.

Ten of the 15 Brazilian physicians with the FIPP title had a learning experience at Singular, either at the Interventional Pain Medicine Course or at the clinic's fellowship.

And so, Singular continues ahead heading its missions of promoting pain management, health and quality of life, besides contributing with the continuos education of health professionals.

  • Mari


    "Já tinha consultado inúmeros médicos sem resultado algum...o Singular fez toda a diferença no momento crítico pelo qual passei. Além dos profissionais competentes, o tratamento humanitário foi destaque durante o tratamento." Read More
  • Marcelo


    "23 anos de dor lombar crônica. No começo de tudo a dor era insuportável, 24 hs por dia; nessa época já não esperava mais nada, era como mais uma consulta, mas foi através do tratamento de bloqueios e fármacos específicos Read More
  • Priscilla


    "Confio plenamente em toda equipe que cuida de mim...estou evoluindo cada dia mais...minha vida não parou." Read More
  • Lucinda


    Acho que nunca me acostumei com a dor, e saber que era possível me livrar dela me fez chegar até aqui, um lugar tão Singular, que certamente simbolizará um novo jeito de caminhar, um novo destino com projetos e possibilidades. Read More
  • Omar


    DR CHARLES e DR FABRÍCIO dois Profissionais e dois seres humanos , sem palavras..... Read More
  • Marcelo


    No início de 2013 comecei a sentir dores constantes na região cérvico-toráxica. Não sabia as causas e muito menos o diagnóstico para aquele incômodo muscular que passou a ser diário. Com o passar do tempo a dor começou aumentar de intensidade e de duração. Read More
  • Anderson


    É difícil mensurar minha satisfação atual, assim como era difícil suportar tanta dor e sofrimento pelo qual passei quando do início de meu tratamento junto à clínica singular, em especial pelo atendimento prestado pelo Dr. Charles. Read More
  • Gláucia


    Procurei o Dr. Fabrício em decorrência de um pós operatório frustrado. Cheguei a primeira consulta totalmente fatigada, abaixo do meu peso, muita olheira por  noites mal dormidas e com uma grande expectativa quanto a solução para o alívio das dores Read More
  • Rodrigo


    Assim como o ano de 2016, o de 2017 para mim inicia-se com um enorme otimismo e as melhores expectativas possíveis! Todo esse otimismo está embasado no belíssimo papel que a Clínica SINGULAR desempenha em minha vida e na de Read More
  • Rosalva


    Quero agradecer à toda equipe da Clínica Singular, todos, sem exceção, atenciosos, sempre presentes e muito gentis.  Em especial ao fisioterapeuta Rodrigo Vasconcelos que me auxiliou com exercícios e após conversar com o Dr. Rafael Barreto Silva  do Instituto da Read More
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